Sky: Children of the Light Wiki

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Sky: Children of the Light Wiki
Sky: Children of the Light Wiki

Icon used for Props Outfit Shrine

Props (or Accessories) are Cosmetics that are carried on the player's back and can be equipped to use in various ways. While the majority of Props are simply decorative, some items offer special interactions or useful functions. The current Prop is selected in the right-hand Outfit Shrine.

The Props Outfit Shrine has three tabs:

  • Harp The Harp icon is used for the Instrument tab. Most of these are musical Instruments, but it also includes several non-musical held Props (items that can be equipped in your hands and used, but can not be placed on the ground).
  • Bookcase-icon The Bookcase icon is used for the large placeable Props tab, which includes all items the game categorizes as "large" that can be put down, including in Shared Spaces.
  • Teacup-icon The Teacup icon is used for the small placeable Props tab, which includes all items the game categorizes as "small" that can be put down, including in Shared Spaces.

Even though these items are split across three tabs, only one Prop can be selected at a time.

As a type of Prop, all musical Instruments are included on this article. However, there is also a separate article with music-specific characteristics of each Instrument, as well as information on how to play music.

Placeable Props[]

Most non-Instrument Props are placeable, meaning that when you select the item from the Expression Menu, it is placed on the ground in front of you. If you hold the item's icon and drag it, you can choose where to place the item. If you are in mid-air when you select the Prop, it is placed, floating, in the air in front of you. You can then land on the floating Prop (although some skill is required to land on smaller Props).

In addition, all placeable Props can be used to decorate Shared Spaces. While some placeable Props offer special interactions or functions, most are purely decorative. Note that the Days of Love Gondola and Sunlight Surfboard can only be placed in water, so they cannot be used in a Shared Space unless it contains water.

Held Props Display[]

  • Harp

  • Fledgling Harp

  • Contrabass

  • Piano

  • Horn

  • Small Bell

  • Large Bell

  • Flute

  • Panflute

  • Guitar

  • Rhythm Guitar

  • Ukulele

  • Xylophone

  • Winter Piano

  • Sanctuary Handpan

  • Triumph Handpan

  • Prophecy Drum

  • Lute

  • Bugle

  • Kalimba

  • Electric Guitar

  • Blue Electric Guitar

  • Dark Horn

  • Voice of AURORA

  • Manta Ocarina

  • Cello

  • Duets Cello

  • Harmonica

  • Vessel Flute

  • Drum

  • Triumph Violin

  • Triumph Saxophone

  • Fortune Drum

  • Fireworks Staff

  • Blue Umbrella

  • Festival Scepter

  • Lightseekers Ultimate Bioluminescent Umbrella

  • Lightseeker IAP Umbrella

  • Moments Ultimate Camera

  • Camera

  • Moomin Ultimate Umbrella

  • Days of Fortune Enchanted Umbrella

  • Days of Love Serendipitous Scepter

  • Bloom Lilypad Umbrella

  • SkyFest Jenova Fan

  • Tournament Torch

  • Lantern

  • Summer Parasol

  • Mischief Withered Broom

  • Winter Feast Snowboard
Fledgling Harp
Small Bell
Large Bell
Rhythm Guitar
Winter Piano
Sanctuary Handpan
Triumph Handpan
Prophecy Drum
Electric Guitar
Blue Electric Guitar
Dark Horn
Voice of AURORA
Manta Ocarina
Duets Cello
Vessel Flute
Triumph Violin
Triumph Saxophone
Fortune Drum
Fireworks Staff
Blue Umbrella
Festival Scepter
Lightseekers Ultimate Bioluminescent Umbrella
Lightseeker IAP Umbrella
Moments Ultimate Camera
Moomin Ultimate Umbrella
Days of Fortune Enchanted Umbrella
Days of Love Serendipitous Scepter
Bloom Lilypad Umbrella
SkyFest Jenova Fan
Tournament Torch
Summer Parasol
Mischief Withered Broom
Winter Feast Snowboard

Large Placeable Props Display[]

Small Placeable Props Display[]

Available Props[]

This table lists all the Props have ever been available in Sky; only a small subset of them are available for purchase at any given time. The default order is icon order, as used in the in-game Props Outfit Shrine. The table sort order can be changed by clicking on the header of any column. The # column indicates the number of that item that can be placed at one time in a Shared Space. The last column provides the Prop type and purpose:

  • Instrument: a musical Instrument (non-placeable)
  • Held: used for all other (non-instrument) non-placeable Props
  • Placeable: any item that can be placed on the ground or used in Shared Spaces
  • Chat: an item that allows players to chat with each other; the number of players who can sit and chat at one time is provided in parentheses.
  • Light: an item that provides light AND allows players to recharge their Cape Energy.
  • Covering: an item that can protect players from the rain.
  • Decoration: an item that has no useful purpose. This includes lights that do not recharge player Capes.
Image Icon Avail. Source Cost # Type
Harp Harp RRegular Spirit Laughing Light Catcher 5 Heart Instrument
Fledgling Harp Fledgling Harp PPermanent Item Harmony Hall $4.99 Instrument
Contrabass Contrabass RRegular Spirit Frightened Refugee 5 Heart Instrument
Piano Piano RRegular Spirit Cheerful Spectator 10 Heart Instrument
Horn Horn RRegular Spirit Lookout Scout 5 Heart Instrument
Small Bell Small Bell SSeason SpiritSeason of Gratitude Leaping Dancer 40 Candle Instrument
Large Bell Large Bell SSeason SpiritSeason of Gratitude Greeting Shaman 45 Candle Instrument
Flute Flute SSeason SpiritSeason of Lightseekers Doublefive Light Catcher 55 Candle Instrument
Panflute Panflute SSeason SpiritSeason of Lightseekers Twirling Champion 60 Candle Instrument
Guitar Guitar SSeason SpiritSeason of Belonging Pleaful Parent 75 Candle Instrument
Rhythm Guitar Rhythm Guitar PPermanent Item Harmony Hall $14.99 Instrument
Ukulele Ukulele SSeason SpiritSeason of Belonging Hairtousle Teen 70 Candle Instrument
Xylophone Xylophone SSeason SpiritSeason of Rhythm Thoughtful Director 65 Candle Instrument
Winter Piano Winter Piano SSeason SpiritSeason of Rhythm Respectful Pianist 75 Candle Instrument
Sanctuary Handpan Sanctuary Handpan UUltimate GiftSeason of Sanctuary Ultimate Gifts N/A Instrument
Triumph Handpan Triumph Handpan PPermanent Item Harmony Hall $19.99 Instrument
Prophecy Drum Prophecy Drum UUltimate GiftSeason of Prophecy Ultimate Gifts N/A Instrument
Lute Lute SSeason SpiritSeason of Dreams Dancing Performer 70 Candle Instrument
Bugle Bugle UUltimate GiftSeason of Assembly Ultimate Gifts N/A Instrument
Kalimba Kalimba SSeason SpiritSeason of Flight Tinkering Chimesmith 75 Candle Instrument
Electric Guitar Electric Guitar SSeason SpiritSeason of Performance Mellow Musician 80 Candle Instrument
TGC Guitar TGC Guitar PPermanent Item The Office $29.99 Instrument
Dark Horn Dark Horn SSeason SpiritSeason of Shattering Ancient Darkness 50 Candle Held Decoration[3]
Season of AURORA Voice of AURORA LLimited OfferSeason of AURORA Season of AURORA $14.99 Instrument
Manta Ocarina Manta Ocarina SSeason SpiritSeason of Passage Overactive Overachiever Cost Unknown Instrument
Cello Cello SSeason SpiritSeason of Duets The Musicians' Legacy Cost Unknown Instrument
Duets Cello Duets Cello GGuide ItemSeason of Duets Compassionate Cellist 200 Candle Instrument
Harmonica Harmonica S+Season Spirit (Current)Season of Moomin Spirit of Adventure 20 Season Candle Instrument
Vessel Flute Vessel Flute CConditional Nintendo Pack $29.99[4] Instrument
Drum Drum RRegular Spirit Blushing Prospector 5 Heart Instrument
Triumph Violin Triumph Violin PPermanent Item Harmony Hall $19.99 Instrument
Triumph Saxophone Triumph Saxophone D*Days-specific Item (Current) Days of Music 102 Ticket Instrument
Fortune Drum Fortune Drum DDays-specific Item Days of Fortune 34 Ticket Instrument
Saluting Captain Saluting Captain RRegular Spirit Saluting Captain 20 Heart Held Decoration
Laidback Pioneer Laidback Pioneer SSeason SpiritSeason of Lightseekers Laidback Pioneer 75 Candle Held Covering
Festival Scepter Festival Scepter DDays-specific Item Aviary's Firework Festival 36 Ticket Held Decoration
Season of Lightseekers Lightseekers Ultimate Bioluminescent Umbrella UUltimate GiftSeason of Lightseekers Ultimate Gifts N/A Held Covering
That Sky Shop Lightseeker IAP Umbrella PPermanent Item That Sky Shop $105 Held Covering
Moments-Guide-Prop-Ultimate-Camera Moments Ultimate Camera UUltimate GiftSeason of Moments Ultimate Gifts N/A Camera
Moments Guide Camera GGuide ItemSeason of Moments Moments Guide free Camera
Moomin Ultimate Umbrella Moomin Ultimate Umbrella U+Ultimate Gift (Current)Season of Moomin Ultimate Gifts 1 Season Heart Held Covering
Days of Fortune Enchanted Umbrella Days of Fortune Enchanted Umbrella DDays-specific Item Days of Fortune $14.99 Held Covering
Days of Love Serendipitous Scepter Days of Love Serendipitous Scepter DDays-specific Item Days of Love $14.99 Held Decoration
Bloom Lilypad Umbrella Bloom Lilypad Umbrella DDays-specific Item Days of Bloom $14.99 Held Covering
SkyFest Jenova Fan SkyFest Jenova Fan DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary 7 Ticket Held Decoration
Tournament Torch Tournament Torch DDays-specific Item Tournament of Triumph 37 Ticket Held Decoration and Light
Lazy Days Lantern Pack Lazy Days Lantern Pack DDays-specific Item Lazy Days $19.99 Held Light
Summer Parasol Summer Parasol DDays-specific Item Lazy Days $19.99 Held Covering
Mischief Withered Broom Mischief Withered Broom DDays-specific Item Days of Mischief $19.99 Held Decoration, Ridable
Winter Feast Snowboard Winter Feast Snowboard DDays-specific Item Days of Feast 44 Ticket Held Decoration
Sunlight Manta Float Sunlight Manta Float DDays-specific Item Days of Sunlight 20 Ticket 1 Placeable Decoration
Meditating Monastic Table RRegular Spirit Meditating Monastic 30 Heart 2 Placeable Chat (4)
Festival Spin Dancer Festival Spin Dancer SSeason SpiritSeason of Rhythm Festival Spin Dancer 30 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Playfighting Herbalist Playfighting Herbalist SSeason SpiritSeason of Enchantment Playfighting Herbalist 20 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Crab Whisperer Crab Whisperer SSeason SpiritSeason of Lightseekers Crab Whisperer 20 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Belonging Bonfire Belonging Bonfire UUltimate GiftSeason of Belonging Ultimate Gifts N/A 2 Placeable Chat (4) and Light
Troupe Juggler Troupe Juggler SSeason SpiritSeason of Rhythm Troupe Juggler 14 Heart 6 Placeable Light
Prophet of Fire Prophet of Fire SSeason SpiritSeason of Prophecy Prophet of Fire 13 Heart 6 Placeable Light
Assembly Brazier Assembly Brazier GGuide ItemSeason of Assembly Assembly Guide 12 Heart 6 Placeable Light
Assembly Bookcase Assembly Bookcase GGuide ItemSeason of Assembly Assembly Guide 30 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Scaredy Cadet Scaredy Cadet SSeason SpiritSeason of Assembly Scaredy Cadet 55 Candle 3 Placeable Chat (1)
Marching Adventurer Marching Adventurer SSeason SpiritSeason of Assembly Marching Adventurer 55 Candle 4 Placeable Light
Assembly Tent Assembly Tent GGuide ItemSeason of Assembly Assembly Guide 24 Heart 1 Placeable Covering
Baffled Botanist Baffled Botanist SSeason SpiritSeason of Assembly Baffled Botanist 45 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Chuckling Scout Chuckling Scout SSeason SpiritSeason of Assembly Chuckling Scout 45 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Star Collector Star Collector SSeason SpiritSeason of The Little Prince Star Collector 70 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Performance Guide Flower Pot GGuide ItemSeason of Performance Performance Guide 52 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Potted Plant Potted Plant GGuide ItemSeason of Remembrance Remembrance Guide 40 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Kettle Kettle GGuide ItemSeason of Remembrance Remembrance Guide 50 Candle 1 Placeable Chat (4)
Remembrance Ultimate Prop Remembrance Ultimate Manta Projector UUltimate GiftSeason of Remembrance Ultimate Gifts N/A 1 Placeable Decoration
Snufkin Tent Snufkin Tent S+Season Spirit (Current)Season of Moomin Spirit of Adventure SP 2 Placeable Decoration
Days of Love Swing Days of Love Swing DDays-specific Item Days of Love $19.99 1 Placeable Chat (2)
Days of Love Seesaw Days of Love Seesaw DDays-specific Item Days of Love $19.99 1 Placeable Chat (2)
Days of Love Flowery Archway Days of Love Flowery Archway DDays-specific Item Days of Love 100 Candle 2 Placeable Decoration
Pink Bloom Teaset Pink Bloom Teaset DDays-specific Item Days of Bloom $19.99 2 Placeable Chat (2)
Campfire Tent Campfire Tent DDays-specific Item Days of Sunlight 90 Candle 2 Placeable Covering
Purple Bloom Teaset Purple Bloom Teaset DDays-specific Item Days of Bloom $19.99 2 Placeable Chat (3)
Bloom Picnic Basket Bloom Picnic Basket DDays-specific Item Days of Bloom $19.99 2 Placeable Chat (3)
Anniversary Light Fence Anniversary Light Fence DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary 20 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Jelly Whisperer Jelly Whisperer SSeason SpiritSeason of Sanctuary Jelly Whisperer 15 Heart 2 Placeable Covering
Chill Sunbather Chill Sunbather SSeason SpiritSeason of Sanctuary Chill Sunbather 20 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Grateful Shell Collector Grateful Shell Collector SSeason SpiritSeason of Sanctuary Grateful Shell Collector 45 Candle 2 Placeable Chat (2)
Hiking Grouch Hiking Grouch SSeason SpiritSeason of Sanctuary Hiking Grouch 16 Heart 2 Placeable Chat (2)
Mischief Spooky Dining Set Mischief Spooky Dining Set DDays-specific Item Days of Mischief 33 Heart 2 Placeable Chat (2) and Light
Days of Feast Table Days of Feast Table DDays-specific Item Days of Feast 150 Candle 2 Placeable Chat (4) and Light
Snowkid Prop Snowkid Prop DDays-specific Item Days of Feast 120 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Anniversary Party Lights Anniversary Party Lights DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary 33 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Stool Stone Stool PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop free 4 Placeable Decoration
Stone Single Bench Stone Single Bench PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 8 Candle(×4) 4 Placeable Decoration
Stone Chair Stone Chair PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 16 Candle(×4) 4 Placeable Decoration
Stone Armchair Stone Armchair PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 10 Heart (×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Loveseat Stone Loveseat PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 33 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Bench Stone Bench PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 60 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Sofa Corner Stone Sofa Corner PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 25 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Sofa Side Stone Sofa Side PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 20 Candle(×4) 4 Placeable Decoration
Stone Small Table Stone Small Table PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 20 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Square Dining Table Stone Square Dining Table PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 23 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Round Dining Table Stone Round Dining Table PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 18 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Long Dining Table Stone Long Dining Table PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 33 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Desk Stone Desk PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 50 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Console Table Stone Console Table PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 45 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Coffee Table Stone Coffee Table PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 28 Ascended Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Single Bed Stone Single Bed PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 24 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Tall Shelf Stone Tall Shelf PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 15 Ascended Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Small Bathtub Stone Small Bathtub PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 25 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Large Bathtub Stone Large Bathtub PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 45 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Washstand Stone Washstand PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 40 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Kitchen Stove Stone Kitchen Stove PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 25 Ascended Candle 1 Placeable Decoration and Light
Stone Wood-Fired Oven Stone Wood-Fired Oven PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 35 Ascended Candle 1 Placeable Decoration and Light
Stone Kitchen Drawers Stone Kitchen Drawers PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 25 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Kitchen Cabinet Stone Kitchen Cabinet PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 20 Candle(×1) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Wide Cube Stone Wide Cube PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 10 Candle(×8) 8 Placeable Decoration
Stone Tall Cube Stone Tall Cube PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 11 Candle(×8) 8 Placeable Decoration
Stone Plant Stand Stone Plant Stand PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 12 Heart (×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Candle Light Stone Candle Light PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 16 Ascended Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Bed Bed SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Loft Cost Unknown 1 Placeable Decoration
Chair Chair SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Loft Cost Unknown 2 Placeable Decoration
Table Table SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Solarium Cost Unknown 1 Placeable Decoration
Couch Couch SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Nook Cost Unknown 1 Placeable Decoration
Hanging Lamp Hanging Lamp SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Atrium Cost Unknown 4 Placeable Decoration
Bathtub Bathtub SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Solarium Cost Unknown 1 Placeable Decoration
Branch Branch SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Atrium Cost Unknown 1 Placeable Decoration
Hanging Planter Hanging Planter SSeason SpiritSeason of Nesting Nesting Solarium Cost Unknown 4 Placeable Decoration
Chandelier Chandelier S+Season Spirit (Current)Season of Moomin Comfort of Kindness SP 1 Placeable Decoration
Grandfather Clock Grandfather Clock S+Season Spirit (Current)Season of Moomin Inspiration of Inclusion 12 Season Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Moonlight Lantern Decoration Moonlight Lantern Decoration DDays-specific Item Days of Moonlight 32 Ticket 1 Placeable Decoration and Light
Mischief Cauldron Mischief Cauldron DDays-specific Item Days of Mischief 36 Ticket 1 Placeable Chat (3)
Cozy Cafe Table Cozy Cafe Table LLimited Offer Sky × Cinnamoroll Pop-Up Cafe 52 Ticket 2 Placeable Chat (2)
Spring Camping Windowed Tent Wall Spring Camping Windowed Tent Wall OShared Spaces only Shared Spaces (Temporary) N/A 8 Placeable Decoration
Spring Camping Tent Cover Spring Camping Tent Cover OShared Spaces only Shared Spaces (Temporary) N/A 8 Placeable Decoration
Spring Camping Tent Wall Entrance Spring Camping Tent Wall Entrance OShared Spaces only Shared Spaces (Temporary) N/A 8 Placeable Decoration
Spring Camping Tent Wall Spring Camping Tent Wall OShared Spaces only Shared Spaces (Temporary) N/A 32 Placeable Decoration
Wise Grandparent Wise Grandparent SSeason SpiritSeason of Belonging Wise Grandparent 10 Candle 8 Placeable Decoration
Prophet of Water Prophet of Water SSeason SpiritSeason of Prophecy Prophet of Water 15 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Prophet of Earth Prophet of Earth SSeason SpiritSeason of Prophecy Prophet of Earth 15 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Prophet of Air Prophet of Air SSeason SpiritSeason of Prophecy Prophet of Air 15 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Prophet of Fire Prophet of Fire SSeason SpiritSeason of Prophecy Prophet of Fire 15 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Assembly Jar Assembly Jar GGuide ItemSeason of Assembly Assembly Guide 8 Candle 8 Placeable Decoration
Assembly Pillow Assembly Pillow GGuide ItemSeason of Assembly Assembly Guide 5 Candle 8 Placeable Decoration
Little Prince Rose Little Prince Rose UUltimate GiftSeason of The Little Prince Ultimate Gifts N/A 1 Placeable Decoration, Plays Music
Little Prince Fox Little Prince Fox LLimited OfferSeason of The Little Prince Season of The Little Prince $9.99 1 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Chimes Chimes GGuide ItemSeason of Remembrance Remembrance Guide 30 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Crab-Plush Crab-Plush GGuide ItemSeason of Remembrance Remembrance Guide 19 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Manta-Plush Manta-Plush GGuide ItemSeason of Remembrance Remembrance Guide 17 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Manta Plush (38") Manta Plush (38") PPermanent Item That Sky Shop/Wave 10 $65 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
The Art of Sky STAR Prop The Art of Sky STAR Prop PPermanent Item The Art of Sky $125 Placeable Decoration, Intractable, Shareable Prop
Hacky Sack Prop Hacky Sack Prop GGuide ItemSeason of Passage Passage Guide 39 Heart Shareable Prop
Jolly Geologist Jolly Geologist SSeason SpiritSeason of Moments Jolly Geologist Cost Unknown 3 Placeable Decoration
Herb Jar Herb Jar SSeason SpiritSeason of the Nine-Colored Deer Herb Gatherer Cost Unknown 3 Placeable Decoration
Moomin Ultimate Plush Moomin Ultimate Plush U+Ultimate Gift (Current)Season of Moomin Ultimate Gifts 1 Season Heart 1 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Days of Love Gondola Days of Love Gondola DDays-specific Item Days of Love $19.99 2 Placeable Chat (2), Water Only
Sparkler Parent Sparkler Parent SSeason SpiritSeason of Belonging Sparkler Parent 33 Candle 4 Placeable Decoration
Anniversary Birthday Flag Anniversary Birthday Flag DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary 20 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Anniversary Balloons Anniversary Balloons DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary 30 Candle 2 Placeable Decoration
Anniversary Confetti Launcher Anniversary Confetti Launcher DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary 20 Heart 3 Placeable Decoration
Color Bubble Machine Color Bubble Machine DDays-specific Item Days of Rainbow 14.99 3 Placeable Decoration
Mischief Pumpkin Prop Mischief Pumpkin Prop DDays-specific Item Days of Mischief $1.99 1 Placeable Decoration
Feline Familiar Prop Feline Familiar Prop DDays-specific Item Days of Mischief $9.99 1 Placeable Decoration
Winter Feast Pillow Winter Feast Pillow DDays-specific Item Days of Feast 10 Candle 8 Placeable Decoration
Winter Feast Snowglobe Winter Feast Snowglobe DDays-specific Item Days of Feast $9.99 1 Placeable Decoration
Campfire Snack Kit Campfire Snack Kit DDays-specific Item Days of Sunlight $19.99 2 Placeable Decoration
Tournament Skyball Set Tournament Skyball Set DDays-specific Item Days of Feast $14.99 2 Placeable Decoration
Bloom Butterfly Fountain Bloom Butterfly Fountain DDays-specific Item Days of Bloom 80 Candle 3 Placeable Decoration
Nature Sonorous Seashell Nature Sonorous Seashell DDays-specific Item Days of Nature $4.99 1 Placeable Decoration
Anniversary Sonorous Seashell Anniversary Sonorous Seashell DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary 33 Ascended Candle 1 Placeable Decoration, Plays Music
Music Player Music Player PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 66 Ascended Candle 1 Placeable Decoration, Plays Music
Anniversary Plush Anniversary Plush DDays-specific Item Sky Anniversary $9.99 1 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Little Oreo Plush Little Oreo Plush PPermanent Item That Sky Shop/Wave 12 $42 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Love Heart Plushie Love Heart Plushie DDays-specific Item Days of Love 14 Ticket 1 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Sunlight Surfboard Sunlight Surfboard DDays-specific Item Days of Sunlight $14.99 2 Placeable Prop, Players can ride when placed in water
Companion Cube Companion Cube CConditional Sky for Steam 50 Candle [5] 1 Placeable Decoration, Huggable
Course Creation Prop Course Creation Prop PPermanent Item Days of Feast 150 Candle 1 Placeable Prop
Stone Wall Mirror Stone Wall Mirror PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 30 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Wall Towel Rack Stone Wall Towel Rack PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 15 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Wall Pot Rack Stone Wall Pot Rack PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 25 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Wall Mug Rack Stone Wall Mug Rack PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 20 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Stone Empty Box Stone Empty Box PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 10 Candle(×3) 3 Placeable Decoration
Stone Closed Box Stone Closed Box PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 10 Candle(×3) 3 Placeable Decoration
Stone Wall Shelf Stone Wall Shelf PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 10 Candle(×3) 4 Placeable Decoration
Decor Pillow One Color Decor Pillow One Color PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 8 Candle(×4) 4 Placeable Decoration
Decor Pillow Two Colors Decor Pillow Two Colors PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 12 Candle(×4) 4 Placeable Decoration
Decor Folded Cloth Decor Folded Cloth PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 10 Candle(×4) 4 Placeable Decoration
Stone Wall Sconce Stone Wall Sconce PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 8 Ascended Candle(×4) 4 Placeable Decoration and Light
Small Solid Rug Small Solid Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 12 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Small Blue Rug Small Blue Rug SSeason SpiritSeason of Duets The Pianist's Beginnings Cost Unknown 2 Placeable Decoration
Small Pink Rug Small Pink Rug SSeason SpiritSeason of Duets The Cellist's Flourishing Cost Unknown 2 Placeable Decoration
Small Stripes Rug Small Stripes Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 17 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Small Classic Rug Small Classic Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 8 Heart (×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Small Semicircle Rug Small Semicircle Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 22 Candle(×2) 2 Placeable Decoration
Medium Solid Rug Medium Solid Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 40 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Medium Stripes Rug Medium Stripes Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 50 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Medium Diamonds Rug Medium Diamonds Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 18 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Medium Argyle Rug Medium Argyle Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 20 Heart 1 Placeable Decoration
Medium Circle Rug Medium Circle Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 70 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Large Solid Rug Large Solid Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 80 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Large Circle Rug Large Circle Rug PPermanent Item Nesting Workshop 90 Candle 1 Placeable Decoration
Stone Figurine