Below you will find a Glossary of Terms: a description of several terms and labels that either thatgamecompany (TGC) or the Sky community has coined for various aspects of the game.
Adventure Pass[]
A old name for Season Pass.
See Ancestor Spirit.
Ancestor Spirit[]
These are the spirits that are found scattered throughout the areas of the game. Discovering them and reliving their memories allows players to unlock Expressions and Cosmetics. Also called Ancient Spirit or simply Spirit. In this Wiki, they are commonly referred to as Spirit.
Ancient Spirit[]
See Ancestor Spirit.
The shortened name of the Forgotten Ark. It is the new area added during the Season of Enchantment. It has a structure of a broken ark in the center, and there are additional caves and structures surrounding it. See The Forgotten Ark page for more information about the Forgotten Ark.
Refers to yourself or other players. Also referred to as a Descendant,[1] Sky Kid, or Sky Child.
A pre-Prairie hub, found in early versions of Sky: Light Awaits or present-day Aviary Village.
Advanced Flying[]
See Advanced Flying.
See Barriers.
Bird Statue[]
These are located in many of the areas of the game and offer a shortcut back to Home. These were removed in Patch 0.21.0.
All Ancestor Spirits reward mystery Blessings that contain spells. Cast spells on yourself or others from the Expression Menu to enchant your friends with a special effect for a limited time. Nearby players also benefit from this effect. When you receive the Spell from the Spirit, it is called a Blessing. When you use it, it is called a Spell (see below).
Bonus Candle[]
See Treasure Candle.
A player that has grown from the Moth stage. Reaching this depends on the player, but general consensus seems to be completing Eye of Eden followed by helping other new players on their own journeys.
Butterfly Fields (Daylight Prairie)[]
The first area in Daylight Prairie encountered after flying past the Social Space, named for its abundance of butterflies.
The sound your Sky Kid makes when you tap on it. It is often referred to as "honk" or "chirp" as well (due to the similarity to Journey).
Candles come in four types: red, white, Ascended, and Seasonal. For more details, see the Currency page.
Candle Cake[]
See Treasure Candle.
Candle Farming[]
The process of collecting wax by finding and lighting red candles or burning dark material.
Candle Running[]
See Treasure Candle. (often abbreviated as CR.)
Candle Wax[]
Sometimes referred to as "Light Essence", "Light", or "Pieces of Light", it's the red and blue orbs of light that the player collects from candles and dark material in the game. Collecting it fills up the candle inventory in the top left corner of the game screen.
Cape Energy[]
See Cape Meter.
Cape Meter[]
The icon at the top of the screen that indicates how much energy your cape has. Tapping it also opens the Expression Menu. Sometimes referred to as Wings, Wing Energy, or Wing Meter.
Cape Wedge[]
The Cape Meter is broken up into Wedges of power that you accumulate by collecting Children of Light. These wedges of energy indicate how long you can fly, and also offer protection in Eye of Eden (Spoiler Warning!). See the Collectibles page for more information. See the Eye of Eden page for more on how they relate to Eye of Eden (Note: The page contains spoilers for the end of the game).
Caves (Daylight Prairie)[]
Caves refers to a specific area found on the left side of Butterfly Fields in Daylight Prairie, so named because the area lies within a large cave mouth. It does not refer to the many smaller caves located throughout the game. Entrance to the Caves area of Prairie is blocked by a Spirit Gate.
The term many use for players who wear the Hide 'n Seek Pioneer's Mask or use the Shrink Spell. However the description for said spell refers to them as Babies.[2]
An area in Valley of Triumph guarded by a Spirit Gate on the left side of the Ice Rink. An alternate race course to the Valley temple can be found here. Also known as the Orrery.
Outfit Shrine[]
The kiosks in Home and the first area of all the Realms (except Isle and Vault), where players can change their cosmetics.
The area in Valley of Triumph that you arrive at after finishing both the Flying and Sliding races.
The star pattern for each Realm as well as for the friends at Home. The word Constellation is used in multiple ways in Sky:
- The Ancestor Spirits that you find (release) in the Kingdom of Sky become stars in the Realm's Constellation. You can view these constellations at the Home Space Constellation Table
- Your Favorite Friends make up the Crown Constellation, which you can also view by tapping the Friendship icon at your Home Space Constellation Table
Constellation Gate[]
See Spirit Gate.
Constellation Table[]
The circular table in Home where you can view the friendship trees of each Ancestor Spirit you have visited. Once you have visited an Ancestor Spirit, you can use the Constellation Table to purchase the cosmetics in that Spirit's Shop rather than have to visit the Spirit in the game.
Control Scheme[]
On iOS, there are two different control schemes with variations on each. See Menus and Controls for more.
See Darkness.
Collectible items that represent clothing and can be worn by the player's avatar in-game, as well as items which can be carried on the player's back and are used for different purposes such as decoration, recharging Wings, or playing music. Such items include: Outfits, Shoes, Masks, Face Accessories, Neck Accessories, Hairstyles, Hair Accessories, Capes, Instruments, and Props.
Small dark creatures. When they hit you, you lose a bar of wing energy. You find them in many Realms of the Kingdom of Sky. See the Dark Crabs for more information.
The scenes you view at the end of each area. These are the scenes where you meet the Elder for each Realm of the Kingdom of Sky. They are also in general, parts of a clip that takes you away from your normal screen view.
Daily Quest[]
Daily missions accessible by tapping the ! button on the Return Shrine Statue at Home. During a Season, each Quest rewards you with one Seasonal Candle. When a Season is not in progress, each Quest rewards you with a White Candle in your inventory.
Dark Creature[]
The "bad guys" of the game. They appear in two forms, large and small. The smaller creatures are referred to as crabs, and the larger are referred to as Dark Dragons. Running into these creatures will cause you to lose wing energy or stars. See also Dark Dragon and Crabs, and the Creatures page.
Dark Dragon (Krill)[]
A large dark creature that can fly, and if it sees you, its eye will turn red and it will charge at you after 3~4 seconds. See the Dark Dragons for more information. These creatures are commonly referred to as Krill to players.
Dark Material[]
See Darkness.
Dark Plant[]
See Darkness.
The dark blue colored plants that appear in several areas of the game. Burning them produces Wax that you can collect to forge white candles. Groups of them are referred to as Patches of Darkness. This used to also be referred to as Corruption.
The old name for the realm Isle of Dawn.
The old name for the realm Daylight Prairie.
Deep Call[]
The maximum call. Tap and hold on your avatar until the call sounds automatically.
Refers to yourself or other players. Also referred to as Avatar, Sky Kid, or Sky Children.
An abbreviation for "developer".
The old name for the realm Golden Wasteland.
A shortened name for the realm Eye of Eden.
Eden Running[]
The process of collecting Ascended Candles by going to Eden.
Eight-Player Puzzle[]
An aptly named puzzle requiring the simultaneous presence of 8 players, located in Villages inside the right-most island.
Refers to the spirits in the cutscenes at the end of each Realm.
Refers to an multitude of events in Sky. See Holiday Event, Seasonal Event, or World Event.
Emotions, emoticons, emojis, or emotes. The actions that you collect by visiting Ancestor Spirits throughout the game.
Expressions Menu[]
Tapping the Wing Meter in the upper-middle of your screen brings up the Expression Menu, the list of all the Expressions that you have collected from Ancestor Spirits.
Expression Upgrade[]
The basic Expressions are free and collectible from Ancestor Spirits in various places in the game. The upgrades to the Expressions offer variations on the basic Expression, and can be purchased in the Spirit Shop of each Ancestor Spirit. Once you have purchased an upgrade, a small dot appear above the Expression in your Expressions Menu. Press and hold the Expression icon until the dot highlights the desired upgrade, then release.
Faerie Ring[]
A World Event in Daylight Prairie, the Faerie Ring is a very small ring of white mushrooms seen on the slope of the right-most island in Villages (Prairie), visible for the last ten minutes of every hour.
See Candle Farming.
Flame Quest[]
See Spirit Quest.
Flight Wedge[]
See Cape Wedge.
The first game released by TGC on PS3.
The second game released by TGC on PS3. Has also been released on iOS and PS4.
Flying Trick[]
Flying Tricks are the methods that players use in certain situations. It is more like an advanced version of normal flight, and Flying Tricks include acrobatics, spin, dive, and precise control. See Advanced Flying page to learn about these tricks.
A shortened name for Hidden Forest.
Friendship Tree[]
See Friendship Tree. Depending on the context, this term can be specifically referring to the friendship upgrades with other players or the upgrades with Ancestor Spirits.
A glitch is by definition a temporary malfunction or irregularity but in the world of Sky can be used as an advantage. You can glitch through walls by using certain emotes or bypass multi-player doors by sliding your chibi Sky Kid through cracks.
Hearts are the most rare and valuable currency in the world of Sky, earned purely as a show of appreciation from a friend. You receive nothing in return for giving this gift. It truly is an act of compassion. (Hearts can also be bought in exchange for 3 candles via Spirit Shops). Hearts can then be used in the Constellation Shops to unlock the most valuable capes, masks, musical instruments and other cosmetic items in the Kingdom of Sky.
Holiday Event[]
These are extra, short-term Events which are themed around holidays such as Halloween and Valentine's Day. See the Special Events page for more information.
Ice Rink[]
The Ice Rink is the large, round area in the Valley of Triumph that the player encounters after exiting the Social Space and skidding down the slopes. It acts as a connecting hub between the two other main areas of Valley.
A female or feminine presenting Ikemen. The term is less common than Ikemen.
A term used to describe players who are tall, have the black mask, and wear elder or rare/seasonal hairs. These players are often seen as attractive by other players. The term comes from the Japanese words Ikeru/Iketeru, meaning "good" "cool" or "exciting," and the word "menzu" which is the Japanization of "men."
A selection of musical instruments can be found in various Spirit Shops: piano (harp), voice (horn), drum, and bass drum, along with assorted seasonal instruments.
A shortened name for the realm Isle of Dawn.
A throwback to Journey, these can be found under the ice rink in Valley of Triumph and in the 8-player puzzle room in Prairie, as well as in the Underground Caverns, leading to the Hidden Forest temple, and in a cave located at the back of the main island in Sanctuary Islands. Can be shortened to 'Jelly'.
The third game released by TGC on PS3 and TGC's first foray into multiplayer. Has also been released on PS4, iOS, and PC. Sky is generally considered a spiritual continuation of Journey because of their shared themes, visuals, and gameplay elements.
See Outfit Shrine.
A community name for Dark Crabs.
A community created name for the large Dark Dragons that TGC often uses in game notes. See Dark Dragon and the #Dark Dragons page.
Another community name for the realm Vault of Knowledge.
An old name for the realm Golden Wasteland.
See the Creatures page for more information.
These are the images of a Spirit when you light them or the images you see when you start their Spirit Quests.
Moth is the affectionate term that some players use to refer to new players, with their brown capes making them look like the insect. You may see this term used on the Sky Discord. "Moff" is a cute way of saying "moth".
Music Sheet[]
A reward that teaches players to play Sky songs on their instruments. See Music Sheets for more information.
Nest (Daylight Prairie)[]
(Not to be confused with Eagle Nest). The Bird Nest area of Prairie is blocked by a Spirit Gate from both Fields and Villages, and is characterized by cylindrical stone towers strewn across suspended islands.
An old name for the realm Vault of Knowledge.
A popular name for the Citadel.
Out of Bounds (OOB)[]
The Out of Bounds, also known as OOB, are locations outside the intended boundaries of the game. These may be accessed in a variety of ways – and provide some of the most beautiful views available in the game. See Out of Bounds for more information.
Point of No Return (PNR)[]
The Point of No Return, also known as PNR, is the third section of the Eye of Eden with the statues.
A shortened name for Daylight Prairie. Less commonly known as Grassland.
A prop can refer to any object that a Sky Kid can use to perform a specific task. Some props have a very useful meaning such as chatting or protect from rain, while others are simply used as decorative for your Shared Spaces. See the Shared Spaces page for more information
Can refer to either as Seasonal Quests or Daily Quests.
An old name for the realm Hidden Forest.
Limited-time themed events that come with the option of purchasing a Season Pass. See Seasonal Event for more information.
Season Pass[]
A pass that is purchased and allows the player to unlock special seasonal cosmetics. See the Season Pass page for more details.
Seasonal Spirit[]
Spirits that visit the world of Sky during Seasonal Events.
Seasonal Candle[]
Special candles available to collect in the world and by doing Seasonal Quests during a Seasonal Event.
Seasonal Cosmetic[]
The cosmetics (hair, cape, leggings, masks, and instruments) available from Seasonal Spirits during a Seasonal Event. These cosmetics can be collected during the Seasonal Event, but remain in the player's inventory after the end of the Event. They can also be collected when Seasonal Spirits return as Traveling Spirits. See the Cosmetics page for more information.
Seasonal Emblem[]
Each season is associated with an emblem or logo that represents the season. The emblem for a season is featured on the Seasonal Pendant. See the Season Pass page for more details.
Seasonal Event[]
A period of time when new Spirits visit the world of Sky with limited time cosmetics. Introduced in update 0.4.0, Winter, the first Seasonal Event, ended on 27 January 2019. See the Seasonal Events page for more information.
Seasonal Expression[]
The Ancestor Spirits remain for you to collect the expression, but you cannot upgrade the levels until they come back as Traveling Spirits. During the Season, all players will be able to unlock level 1 and 3 whereas only players with the Seasonal Pass will be able to upgrade the level 2 and 4 expressions. If you have the pass, they will be free when you have unlocked the previous node in the main Spirit Shop branch.
Seasonal Pass[]
See Season Pass.
Sheet Music[]
Music sheets that have been available from Seasonal Spirits and non-seasonal Spirits. They offer a sort of play-along guide to help you learn the given tune.
Shores of Manna[]
The old name for the realm Golden Wasteland.
Refers to any number of the special stones that appear throughout the game. Elder Shrines at the end of each realm, and the stones throughout the game where you find Ancestor Spirits and collect Expressions.
Small Mask[]
A mask that lets a player appear toddler-sized. Same as the Shrink spell, only permanent rather than temporary. See Chibi.
Social Space[]
The small area at the beginning of each realm where players first pass through upon entrance. The Social space houses benches for players to communicate to one another, shrines for access to spirits collected from the previous realm, and sources of light to rejuvenate wing energy.
Spirits reward Blessings that contain mystery spells. Cast spells on yourself or others from the Expression Menu to enchant your friends with a special effect for a limited time. Nearby players also benefit from this effect. Players can buy new spells from Spell Shops at The Forgotten Ark, as well as buying them from Spirits. See the Blessings page for more info about Spells.
The Ancestors whose emotes you find and unlock. See Ancestor Spirit.
Spirit Gate[]
A force-field-like wall that prohibits a player from moving freely into a specific area. The gates can block small caves or large openings in the clouds. An image of a constellation (or two) will appear on the Gate to tell players what they need to collect in order to gain entry to the area beyond the gate. Formerly called a Constellation Gate.
Spirit Quest[]
Work together with friends or other sky players to carry a Spirit to its resting place. As you carry the Spirit you'll have various objectives to complete on your way to earning a reward. Helping the Spirit will unlock their Spirit Shop.
Spirit Shop[]
A way of interacting with Spirits you've met in the world. Give Candles or Hearts to Ancestor Spirits to purchase Blessings, Expression upgrades, or cosmetics. Also referred to as Spirit Trees in this Wiki.
Spirit Tree[]
See Spirit Shop. The Wiki will use this terminology in order to distinguish the Spirits' friendship trees from other in-game shops.
The old name for the realm Eye of Eden (Spoiler Warning!).
Storm Lock[]
Once players pass the Point of No Return (PNR), they enter into Storm Lock. If the player leaves the game before entering Orbit, upon re-opening the game, they'll be placed in Home with all the portals deactivated, and a storm raging (similar to how the game begins). The only way for players to escape Storm Lock is by sitting down at the Return Shrine and continuing their ascent.
The old name for the realm Valley of Triumph.
Acronym for thatgamecompany; the company who created Sky: Children of the Light, as well as other games such as Journey, Flower, and Flow.
Transition Screens[]
Screens present when traveling between any two areas in-game. These can take the form of barriers which trigger a transition screen when players come into contact with it, as well an interact-able button which can teleport players to a certain location. For an example, see the Home page.
Refers to the realm Vault of Knowledge.
Traveling Spirit[]
Spirits from the previous Seasons, returning for a brief period of time. You can see them at Home. See the Traveling Spirits page for more information.
Treasure Candle[]
More commonly referred to as candle cakes or cakes. Every day, the gates of a Realm will be marked with two small candles. In this realm, there will be four Treasure Candles scattered around. A Treasure Candle is a large bunch of candles that gives you wax. For more details, see the Treasure Candles page.
An experienced player who agrees to hold hands with a less experienced or confident player and guide them through a certain area, most often the Eye of Eden (Spoiler Warning!). It can also be also used as a verb.
Ultimate Gift[]
The Ultimate Gifts, also called Ultimate Rewards, are the final rewards given when a player has completed a constellation, and also at the end of a Seasonal Event.
The shortened name for Valley of Triumph.
The shortened name for Vault of Knowledge.
Veterans are players that were testers on Beta Limited Live, before Global Live came online and are still in the game today. Players that were not Beta testers but started playing when the Global Live game came out (and are still in game today) are also defined as "Veterans". They usually have all the cosmetics from all the Seasons, but not necessarily the Ultimate Gifts (just because not all of them could afford the Season Passes). There is no conditions to be a "Veteran" as it's just a term to define how long players have been in the game versus newer players. (See also "Moths"). The number of stars on a cape is no indication that a player is a Veteran.
Villages (Daylight Prairie)[]
The final area of Daylight Prairie before entering the Temple and the location of the Faerie Ring and the Eight-Player Puzzle.
The Void is an infinite pitch black space where you can get to by going out of bound. There are many places where you can reach void spaces; at Home with the Table Drive trick, by rebirthing in Eden, or flying out of reach outside of the Cave of Prophecies.
The shortened name for Golden Wasteland.
See Candle Wax.
The amount of stars on your cape. You can also see how many you have with the Expressions Menu, at the top-middle of your screen. Each wedge is a single flap. See Cape Wedge.
See the Creatures page.
White Candle[]
See Candle.
Wing Buff[]
See the Wing Buffs page.
World Event[]
Some things happen in the game at certain times during the day or week: a rainbow in Hidden Forest, a fairy ring in Daylight Prairie. These are world events that are still in the game, though very much less emphasized than they were when they were first introduced.
See also[]
- For more information about locations mentioned here, see the respective pages for the Realms.
- For more information about collectible objects, see the Collectibles page.
- For more information about creatures, see the Creatures page.
- ↑
- ↑ Shrink into a baby for 10 minutes - Shrink Spell description
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Basic Gameplay | Getting Started • Menus and Controls • Making Friends • Currency • Collectibles |
Events & Celebrations | Seasonal Events • Holidays and Special Events • Double Currency Events • Traveling Spirits • Shard Eruptions |
Hints and Spoilers | Realms • Winged Light • Expressions • Cosmetics • Video Guides • Music Guide • Maps • Spirits & Elders • FAQs • Glossary of Terms |