Sky: Children of the Light Wiki

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Sky: Children of the Light Wiki
Sky: Children of the Light Wiki
Sky: Children of the Light Wiki

There are several Currencies in Sky that can be used to unlock a variety of items, such as Cosmetics, Spells, Expression upgrades, and more. The game currently has six types available:


White candles info

In-game info

Candles, or White Candles (not to be confused with the Red Candles scattered around Realms), are the oldest Currency in the game. Furthermore, they are the most common and versatile type of Candle.

These Candles can be used to purchase both Expression upgrades, Blessings, and Special Event Cosmetics from Spirits. They may also be used to buy returning Seasonal Cosmetics via Traveling Spirits.

Candles are also required for almost all social interactions in the game. For example, making friends with other players generally requires the exchange of one Candle by either party. Additional Friend Actions, such as High Five, Hug, and Piggyback, require the use of more Candles. For more information, visit the Making Friends page.

Candle Runs[]

Light red candles

Lighting Red Candles

Players will frequently travel through the Realms collecting Pieces of Light on a daily basis. This is known as Candle Running or Candle Farming. When players light Red Candles, burn Darkness, or spend time in Social Light Areas, Pieces of Light (also known as Wax) will start filling up the Candle meter in the upper left corner of the screen. Once the Candle meter fills to the top, a blinking red dot appears. Tapping on it allows you to forge a Candle, which is added to your inventory. Any excess Light is transferred to the progress of the next Candle; you will not lose any Candles if you do not forge them right away.

For more information on locations, visit the Interactive Maps page or the Pieces of Light page.

Bonus Candles realm

Realm Portal with Bonus Candles

Treasure Candles (also known as Bonus Candles, Candle Clusters, Candle Cakes, etc.) are large clumps of Red Candles that reward players with a sizeable amount of Light when lit. Every day there are four bonus Treasure Candles scattered throughout a specific Realm, indicated by the two Red Candles in front of the chosen Realm portal at Home. These Treasure Candles rotate between several specific sets of locations in each Realm, and finding all four will give the player 200 Pieces of Light in total. There are also several permanent Treasure Candles: 15 in Isle, 3 in Prairie, 2 in Forest, 3 in Valley, and 9 in Vault.

For more information on locations, visit the Treasure Candles page.

Daily Quests[]

Candles can also be collected by completing Daily Quests between Seasons. The Quests change every day and are accessed by selecting the buttons over the Return Shrine Statue at Home or the Daily Quest Spirits at Aviary Village. If you have forgotten the specifics of a Quest, you may tap the upper left corner of your screen on a mobile device, the left arrow button on a controller, or the Shift key on PC. The icons of the Quests of the day will appear white while unfinished and turn yellow when completed. To receive your reward of 1 White Candle per Quest, simply select the buttons over the Return Shrine at Home or the Daily Quest Spirits at Aviary Village again.

As for Quests during a Season, each Quest rewards 1 Season Candle instead.

Candle Packs[]

Candle Packs containing different numbers of Candles are always available to purchase using real money from the Premium Candle Shop. Additionally, White Candles are often bundled with other In-App Purchases (IAPs).


Heart info

In-game info

Hearts are the Currency used for almost all of the game's Cosmetics available through Regular Spirits in the Realm Constellations. Generally speaking, items from the Constellations of the later Realms will be more expensive than items from earlier ones. They are also used to purchase Expression upgrades from Traveling Spirits and certain Cosmetics from Special Events or Seasonal Events.

Hearts can be collected in a multitude of ways:

Collecting Hearts in order to unlock Cosmetics can be slow-going. It's important not only to be patient, but also to be generous with others.

Gifts from Friends[]

Gifting a Heart to a friend is done by selecting the Gift-heart Gift icon in the Friend Menu, which requires you to spend 3 Candles. The Gift icon is accessible both at the Friend Constellation at Home or Aviary Village and by selecting on a friend in the game. If a player is trying to gift someone a Heart, it is necessary to have unlocked Icon high five High Five with each other first. This limitation not only applies to gifting done in person, but also gifting via the friend's Star in the Friend Constellation. For more detailed information, visit the Making Friends page.

To gift a Heart to your friend, you most reach the first stage of the Valley of Triumph. This only affects you. If your friend has already unlocked Valley of Triumph, they will be able to gift hearts to you. Although you while not be able to.

Only one Heart can be gifted to a specific friend per day. This encourages players to gift to a variety of people rather than gifting only to one certain friend. If you have received a Heart, this will be visible in your Friend Constellation. You may collect it by selecting the friend's Star and clicking the Heart Envelope on the right menu.

Collecting Gifts of Light sent to you by friends in your Friend Constellation will also allow you to collect Hearts. In total, you must be sent 60 of these Gifts of Light to fill up the Heart-meter on the upper left side of the screen completely.

Spirit Shops and Seasonal Quests[]

A limited number of Hearts can be purchased from Ancestor Spirits and Season Guides. These Hearts always cost 3 Candles each, and never reset, meaning each Heart can only be bought once.

37 Heart total can be purchased from Regular Spirits, one per Spirit. Each Heart is available after unlocking the first node (a Spell costing 1 Candle) in the Spirit's Friendship Tree.

Each Seasonal Spirit from the current Season has one Season Heart that can be purchased for 3 Season Candles (see Season Hearts for details). This Season Heart is converted to a regular Heart if it is not used before the end of the Season.

When Seasonal Spirits from past Seasons return as Traveling Spirits, there is always one Heart in their Friendship Tree. The Heart can be purchased for 3 Candles, after unlocking the first node (a Spell costing 5 Candles). However, you can only buy a Heart from a Spirit once -- if you bought the Spirit's Season Heart during their Season, or if you bought their Heart during a previous visit, you cannot purchase it again.

In addition, 82 Heart total are currently available for purchase from the various Season Guides (also known as Quest Givers). Typically, each time a Quest is completed, it unlocks one Heart. These Hearts are free if the Quests are completed during that Guide's Season. After the Season ends, each Heart costs 3 Candles (and can only be purchased once, only if you did not get the free in-Season Heart). Note that the Season of Enchantment was the first Season to have Quests and a Season Guide who remained present in game after the end of the Season, meaning no Hearts are available from the previous four Seasons.

Hearts Sold by Season Guides
Guide Hearts Location Season
Enchantment Guide 6 Forgotten Ark 5 Enchantment Season of Enchantment
Sanctuary Guide 6 Sanctuary Islands 6 Sanctuary Season of Sanctuary
Prophecy Guide 4 Cave of Prophecies 7 Prophecy Season of Prophecy
Dreams Guide 5 Village of Dreams 8 Dreams Season of Dreams
Assembly Guide 3 Treehouse 9 Assembly Season of Assembly
The Rose 7 Starlight Desert 10 Little Prince Season of The Little Prince
Flight Guide 5 Wind Paths 11 Flight Season of Flight
Abyss Guide 5 Treasure Reef 12 Abyss Season of Abyss
Performance Guide 4 Village Theater 13 SOPerformance logo Season of Performance
The Void of Shattering 6 The Void of Shattering 14 SOShattering Season of Shattering
AURORA Guide 1 Coliseum 15-Aurora Season of AURORA
Remembrance Guide 4 Repository of Refuge 16 SORemembrance logo Season of Remembrance
Passage Guide 4 Passage Stone 17 SOPassage logo Season of Passage
Moments Guide 5 Prairie Peaks Season-of-Moments-icon Season of Moments
Hopeful Steward 7 Aviary Village Season-of-Revival-icon Season of Revival
Spirit of Mural 3 Crescent Oasis Season-of-The-Nine-Colored-Deer-icon Season of the Nine-Colored Deer
Nesting Guide 5 Nesting Workshop Season-of-Nesting-icon Season of Nesting
Duets Guide 2 Concert Hall Season-of-Duets-icon Season of Duets
Total 82

Messages, Shared Spaces, and Shared Memories[]

Players can leave messages around the Realms through Message Shrines or Message Boats. Message Candles left at Shrines which are the focus of a Daily Quest (called Quest Shrines or Meditation Shrines) require 10 "likes" to earn one Heart and last until the next reset. Messages left at Shrines not currently in use for a Daily Quest (called Gratitude Shrines) or through Message Boats require 50 "likes" to earn a Heart and disappear after 48 hours. For more information on Message Shrines and Messages, see this support page.

Players can also create Shared Spaces and Shared Memories. Shared Spaces, which can be created at Shared Space Shrines or by using Shared Space Spells, require 25 "likes" to earn a Heart and last for 4 days (96 hours). Shared Memories, created with Shared Memory Spells, require 50 "likes" and disappear after 6 days (144 hours).


Heart earned from a Player Creation at the Return Shrine

Hearts earned in any of these ways can be collected from the Constellation Statue at Aviary Village or the Return Shrine at Home. Note that you can receive at most one Heart for a given Message, Shared Space, or Shared Memory, and for one to become public (able to be seen by strangers), it must first receive three "likes" from friends.

Meditative Stones[]

Two Hearts are available for each account at the two Meditative Stones, one in Forest Social Space, and the other one in Orbit. They have a symbol of many stars on them. Meditating at each Stone will prompt you to rate and review Sky on the App Store or the Google Play Store. Either completing the rating and review or clicking “Cancel” brings you back to the game and gives you the one Heart. On platforms like Nintendo Switch, the prompt will be skipped altogether and you will immediately receive the Heart. Note that these two Hearts are both one-time items for each account, and you cannot get additional Hearts by meditating at these Stones again.

Season Candles[]

Seasonal candles info

In-game info

Season Candles are only available during an ongoing Seasonal Event and are used exclusively to purchase new Seasonal Cosmetics and Expression upgrades from the Seasonal Spirits for the current Season.

It is possible for non-Season Pass holders to gather 5 Season Candles per day by collecting Season Candle Bunches (see more below) and completing Daily Quests. Season Pass holders will receive one additional Season Candle from the Friendship Constellation Statue at Aviary Village or the Return Shrine at Home, for a total of 6 per day. During a Double Season Candle Event, all players can forge an additional Season Candle each day. Read more on the Season Pass and Seasons in Seasonal Events.

Season Candles do not carry over from one Season to another - instead, at the end of a Season, each leftover Season Candle is converted to a White Candle.

Season Candle Bunches[]

Enchantment candles

Season Candle Bunch from the Season of Enchantment

There are four Season Candle Bunches sprinkled throughout the Social Space and first area of a chosen Realm every day (indicated through the Daily Quests), which when collected combine to form a single Season Candle. (During a Double Season Candle Event, eight Season Candle Bunches can be found, allowing you to forge 2 Season Candles.) You can see the icon of the ongoing Season both in the uncollected Pieces of Light and on the sides of the Candles in the Season Candle Bunch.

Season candle bunches do not spawn in areas with a Dark Dragon when they are in Golden Wasteland.

Daily Quests[]

During a Season, the Daily Quests given by the Return Shrine at Home or the Daily Quest Spirits at Aviary Village will reward players with Season Candles instead of White Candles. If you have forgotten the specifics of a Quest, you may tap the upper left corner of your screen on a mobile device, the left arrow button on a controller, or the Shift key on PC. The icons of the Quests of the day will appear white while unfinished and turn yellow when completed. To receive your reward of 1 Season Candle per Quest, simply select the buttons over the Return Shrine at Home or the Daily Quest Spirits at Aviary Village again.

It is possible to complete all Daily Quests safely, but for more dangerous Daily Quests (e.g., "Face the Dark Dragon"), you may want to bring a friend with you to help recharge you or collect your fallen Winged Light in case something goes wrong.

Season Candle Packs[]

During the Season, Season Candle Packs containing 15 Season Candles are available to buy using real money from the Premium Candle Shop. Season Candles may also be bundled with other In-App Purchases (IAPs).

Additionally, players that purchase a Season Pass, or are gifted one by other player, will automatically receive 30 Season Candles.

Season Hearts[]

Seasonal heart info

In-game info

Season Hearts are a rare Currency in the game that are only available to Season Pass holders during an ongoing Seasonal Event.

1 Season Heart is available from each of the current Season's Spirits (not the Season Guide), at a cost of 3 Season Candles. It can only be purchased after unlocking every item in the Seasonal Spirit's Friendship Tree and is only available to players that own the Season Pass.

The only purpose of Season Hearts is to purchase the Season's Ultimate Gifts. Each Season, the total cost of all the Ultimate Gifts exactly matches the total number of available Season Hearts. Season Hearts do not carry over from one Season to another - instead, any unspent Season Hearts are automatically converted into regular Hearts at the end of the Season (similar to Season Candles).

Note that when a Seasonal Spirit returns as a Traveling Spirit, the Season Heart counts as that Spirit's 1 allowed Heart purchase. Therefore, the Heart in a Traveling Spirit's Friendship Tree will not be available to players who collected the Spirit's Season Heart during the Season. (Note that Season Hearts were not implemented during the first two Seasons - Gratitude and Lightseekers - and as a result, Season Pass holders from these two Seasons have been able to buy 1 regular Heart from the relevant Traveling Spirits).

Event Currency[]

Event Currency Info

In-game info

Event Currency (also known as Tickets) are a rare Currency in the game that are only available during an ongoing Special Event.

During an event, its specific Currency can be found scattered around the main area where the event takes place, or in some cases, can be collected alongside the event’s themed Daily Quests or activities. Players may also exchange Candles or Ascended Candles from Spell Shops to purchase additional Event Currency. The total number of Event Currency available to collect each day varies from one event to another.

Of special note is that this Currency varies in appearance to fit the theme of its event, such as resembling treble clefs during Days of Music (pictured below). Once collected in the players inventory, it'll appear as a ticket with a symbol on it that's related to its specific event.

TGC are also experimenting with an Event Currency Light system which started with Days of Style 2024, allowing players to earn Event Currency gradually, just like Candles and other currencies in the game. Similarly, Event Currency Light appears as larger orbs of Light with the event currency icons inside, which players can earn by participating in activities in the main areas where the events take place. Once the Event Currency meter is full, they can forge a Ticket by tapping on it.

Event Currency is used to purchase certain Cosmetics and Spells for the ongoing event from an Event Guide Spirit or Spell Shop. Event Currency does not carry over from one event to another and, unlike other Currencies in game, does not convert to another Currency at the end of the event - leftover Event Currency will simply disappear from the player's inventory once the event ends.

More information can be found on ThatSkyGame's Website.

Ascended Candles[]

Ascended candles info

In-game info

Ascended Candles (also known as Prestige Candles) are collected only upon completion of a strong Shard Eruption or the Eye of Eden (Spoiler Warning!), the last Realm of the game. It is recommended you play through this level wholly before accessing detailed information on how to acquire Ascended Candles in Eden.

Spoiler Alert
This article/section contains spoilers for in-game surprises, secrets, or storyline details, such as the end of the game. Please continue with caution if you are new to Sky: Children of the Light.

Ascended Candles are used to purchase Wing Buffs from both Regular Spirits and Traveling Spirits, which increase your Cape Power in the same way as collecting Children of Light. These two Collectibles stack together, allowing experienced players to acquire even greater Cape Power - up to a maximum total of 12 Wedges. For more information, visit the Winged Light page.

Purchasing Wing Buffs from a Spirit's Friendship Tree also opens the ability to purchase previously inaccessible Cosmetics. Furthermore, Ascended Candles can be used to open up more of the Friendship Menu with friends and unlock high-level Friend Actions such as Warp. They can also be used to buy Event Currency and certain Spells from various Spell Shops, and to purchase Ultimate Gifts from the Realm Constellations.

Players will earn one quarter (0.25) of an Ascended Candle for each Statue given a Winged Light in the final section of the Eye of Eden, with a total of 15.75 Ascended Candles possible to collect each week. For more detailed information, visit the Eye of Eden (Spoiler Warning!) page.

Players can also earn between 1 to 3.5 Ascended Candles by completing a Strong Eruption (not to be confused with a Regular Eruption, which instead provides Pieces of Light). For more detailed information, visit the Shard Eruptions page.

Basic Gameplay Getting StartedMenus and ControlsMaking FriendsCurrencyCollectibles
Events & Celebrations Seasonal EventsHolidays and Special EventsDouble Currency EventsTraveling SpiritsShard Eruptions
Hints and Spoilers RealmsWinged LightExpressionsCosmeticsVideo GuidesMusic GuideMapsSpirits & EldersFAQsGlossary of Terms